Welcome to my blog, where I talk about .NET® programming, database, web development, computer graphics, and other topics. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.


  • Check Out My New Blog

    I have a new blog website called Coder Schmoder. In that blog, I will continue talking about ASP.NET and other programming stuff, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Check it out!

  • Consume RESTful Web Services Using HttpClient in ASP.NET Core and Razor Pages

    Today I will talk about how to build a simple REST client using System.Net.Http.HttpClient using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core. HttpClient is an alternative to using the RestSharp library that people use in the ASP.NET Standard Framework. This application acts and behaves like a browser-based REST client plugins, such as Boomerang, Advanced Rest Client, Talend API Tester, etc., but not as sophisticated.

  • Push First Time Code to Github with these 6 Git Commands

    Depending on your situation, or what you are trying to do, there are probably a dozen ways to push your source code for for the first time to Github. But I’m these six git commands are the only ones I use.

  • REST API Using Repository Design Pattern in ASP.NET Core

    When I attended the Microsoft VSLive!® conference in Redmond, WA in October of this year, one of the most memorable classes was one in which our instructor asked us, “Where do people usually put the data access stuff in an MVC application?”. And everyone says, “in the controller!”

  • How to Seed Database in ASP.NET Core

    This is a quick guide on how to seed or initialize a database in ASP.NET Core 2.0.

  • REST API using InMemory Database in ASP.NET Core

    Don’t you sometimes just want to use a dummy database? That is, without actually going through the hassle of building one in your local drive? In this post, I show you how to build a simple REST API in ASP.NET Core 2.0 plus how to use an InMemory Database to store your data.

  • Role-Based Windows Authentication with .NET MVC

    This is a demo of Windows Authentication implemented in .NET MVC, similar to what I did for an internal site in our organization.

  • Caching Using RemovedCallback in C#

    This demo is an example of RSS Caching with an implementation of RemovedCallback function — trigered when an item is removed from cache. This is very similar to an application that I did for our organization. Basically, our News server lives on a different server separate from our main site. My RSS cacher application caches the RSS data, and re-caches it on a regular basis, dictated by the caching policy.

  • Image Randomizer Using Caching in C#

    This is a simple image randomizer/rotator application implemented in C# and using generic handler. This application continues from and builds on my the two applications from my previous posts

  • Get Random Element From Cached List<T>

    This is an extension of the previous post Get Random Element From C# List in which I retrieve a random element from List<T>. This time, though, I will cache the list, and retrieve a random element from the cache, and made sure that on browser refresh the element is retrieved from the cache and not from the list.

  • Display Image as ByteArray in C# and JQuery

    This is a quick and simple demo of image processing in C# using Generic Handler and JQuery. This can be used to dynamically update images on your page.

  • Get Random Element From List<T> in C#

    This demo briefly explains how to get random element from a List<T> in C#. This example is a ASP.NET console program.

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